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Hello everyone, I am HaoZai!

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The following reviews are personal opinions and do not represent official or platform positions.

The Tang Dynasty Government is one of the earliest sects in Dream Journey West and has always been loved by many players. Whether in high-end PK or regular tasks, you can see their presence. If you want to know which physical sect has the most players, I think the Tang Dynasty Government can be considered second, as no other sect dares to claim first. Although the Jiuli City sect is currently dominant, Jiuli City has higher hardware requirements and also places high demands on team composition, so many teams still prefer to bring the Tang Dynasty Government along! Because the Tang Dynasty Government is like a warrior, with both output and survivability relatively strong. In this article, I will show you a level 129 Tang Dynasty Government, let's enjoy it together!

Level 129 Tang Dynasty Government, equipped with Furious Simplified 3 skills, the core output of the national standard point kill!

The number is a level 129 Tang Dynasty Government, this is the panel attribute without temporary symbols, and the weapon is still a task-used one, switching to a PK weapon attribute can make a significant improvement.

Level 130 male head with Broken Unparalleled Simplified Full Sky Rain suit, with 13 forged Red Agate.

Level 120 necklace with Broken Blood Frenzy Full Sky Rain suit, Initial Spirit 174 after smelting, and 12 forged Relics.

Level 130 Simplified Full Sky Rain suit armor, Strength and Body both increased by 46 after smelting, and 13 forged Moonstone.

Level 120 delicate Full Sky Rain suit shoes with Beastly Power, forged with 13 Black Gems.

Level 130 Furious Full Sky Rain suit belt, forged with 13 Black Gems.

Rings and earrings have triple damage in the bottom row, accessories and bracelets have double HP and defense in the bottom row, all forged with 10 Starlight Stones, all special effects are Speedy Steps.

7 skills Death Magic Defense Clean Platform Blood Pet Drawing Soul, can be equipped for speed.

7 skills Agile Attack Force Split Drawing Soul, both attack and speed attributes are very extreme, blessed with two super skills, plus the War Flute can instantly kill.

8 skills Clean Platform Magic Defense Speed Blood Pet Transformation Drawing Soul, high inner pill with Electric Soul Flash.

8 skills Unexpected Winning Move Mustard Seed Eye. The output is extremely extreme.

8 skills Unexpected Mustard Seed Mechanical Beast. The characteristic is opportunistic, used for efficiency and magic pets in tasks.

Alright, the display of this level 129 Tang Dynasty Government is complete. In fact, there are still some equipment and pets that have not been fully displayed. However, from the hardware shown so far, it is already very strong, and should be able to achieve good results in high-end competitions! The main focus of the Tang Dynasty Government is the national standard lineup, being the core sect for national standard lineup point kills, having such an output on the field is simply a great advantage!

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